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Sunday, March 27, 2011


Most times I as myself...
Why is it that after planing and strategizing a plan
I just go back and write an entirely different script
From the original master plan on my mind.
The other day I made plans about something I hold important,
And when faced with the situation, what did I do?
So unlike me though but I chickened out and I was so angry
I knew me.
Why is it that the person you fall hopelessly and greedily
In love with is either 50% taken or 50% he is not into you.
How does that work out for both parties? I mean its not like
Am expecting life to be a big ball with colours and party and
Drinks and food and every good thing one can imagine in one's
Warped mind(even though that's kinda tempting and not a bad
Idea if we do have that)but at least I think we deserve a break
From time to time on issues like this.
Why is it that politics in my country hasn't changed much since
I was a lil child. The peeps rulling my country since when I was the cutest
Toddler to have escaped from being an angel, are still the sorry old
Minded peeps rulling fresh and innovative minds and the painful part?
They don't wanna let go cos assuming in their small world that the
Country can't go too far without their greedy lecherous hands.
Why is it that all of a sudden am doing this I suddenly feel sleepy?
Why is that am still not where I thought I would be by now.
Why is it that when you don't know twitter you feel its not intresting,
But the moment you both discover yourselves you are hardly out of each
Others hands.
Why do you have a dirty warped mind and thinking of my last sentence in
Another light?
Answers answers is all I need right now because the words are
Indeed getting louder and more persistent.
Most times I ask myself......

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